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Fabric & Jersey Framing

Merlin Frame Maker is a specialist in framing all kinds of fabrics including sports jerseys, scarfs and more.

Collection of Football Jerseys Framed
A common request we receive at Merlin Frame Maker is articles of clothing from army dress uniforms, to wedding dresses to signed sports jerseys of your favorite teams.

Rather than using adhesives or other options that may damage fabrics, we carefully stitch the article into a specially prepared mount before boxing up the entire construct and topping it off with a custom frame of your choice. For colored fabrics, you can also choose UV filtering glass which keeps the bright hues vibrant for longer in Singapore’s bright sunshine.

What better way to cap off a wedding, a parade or other occasion with a special gift to yourself or your family than a custom frame that both displays and protects your treasured article of clothing. Contact Merlin Frame Maker today for a quotation today!
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